Thursday, September 27, 2007

Tween Scene @ NCPL!

You've been asking for it. No really. Well, somebody's been asking for it.

The week of October 8th through the 11th, the Nelson County Public Library will be debuting all-new tween programming, for ages 9-12. Monday will be our usual "Hollywood Monday", Tuesday will be a hands-on crafty project (we're thinking stuff made from bottle caps and bolts), Wednesday is a pirate party (Arrr.) and Thursday is a special tween only game night.

Programs for the Tween Scene run from 3:30-5:30, and will be held in the community room. Fliers and tickets for Hollywood Monday can be picked up at the front desk.

Hope to see you there!

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Welcome to MAY!

So the new library is open, and now is the time you've all been waiting for:


So here it is folks. Every Thursday, from 6-8, we will be hosting game night in the community room. That's the big room when you walk in the front door and turn to the right. As always, bring your gear and we'll provide the snacks.

Also, Anime night will be held on the second Tuesday of every month, starting with May 8th. Bring a friend!

Friday, March 09, 2007

Want to help us move?

As you all know, we're just counting down the days until we can move into our brand new library just down the street. I proposed that we could move the YA section ourselves, and the Powers That Be thought that was a great idea. So what I need from you is this: I need six volunteers, who are available to help us move the YA books from here to the new building next Friday, March 16th. We would do it right after school, so we'd need everybody here around 3:30 so we can get started!

If you're interested, please e-mail me at

Friday, March 02, 2007

Help us build our Anime DVD collection!

I'm currently coming up with an anime DVD wishlist for the new library. I've started a list of some of the classics, as well as a few of my favorites and some that have been requested by you all. I'm looking for boxed sets, because paying $20 for each disk is silly when they'll come out in a set for $35 later. (I know that Cowboy Bebop is on the list individually, but I'm not sure Bandai will ever release a Bebop box set.) Also, I'm looking for stuff that doesn't air on television all the time. I know that knocks out some of our favorites, but lets face it, if you want to watch those you can just turn on Cartoon Network. So with those conditions in mind, take a look at my list here, and give me some more ideas! You can leave them in comments here, or email them to me at

(You get an extra gold star if you can suggest titles appropriate for younger children that don't air on TV all the time... ;) )

Friday, January 12, 2007

Flickr update!

If you haven't been to our flickr page in a while, check it out! We've got some new pictures from the past couple of game nights posted. :)